Tuesday, September 09, 2008

short measures

The announcement of the Booker shortlist is expected later today.  I have read 7 and ¾ books from the longlist.  And have shared my thoughts on 7 of those here.  I’m 100 pages from finishing Sea of Poppies and am hoping that we actually head out to sea before the end!

It seems I’m not the only person to feel a little disappointed by this years selection.  Or perhaps the past few years have just spoilt us.  Some of these books felt quite a drag to get through whereas in the past I’ve enjoyed being introduced to some sparkling new literature.  Perhaps this year offered a poor choice of new releases, perhaps the Booker judging panel have unusual tastes?

Only 4 of those I read deserve a place on my shortlist, those being - 

From A to X - John Berger
The Lost Dog - Michelle de Kretser
The Clothes on Their Backs - Linda Grant 
The Secret Scripture - Sebastian Barry

I’ll wait to see which titles make the official shortlist before I decide whether to read any more this year…


John Self said...

Well, you got two of your titles on, jem! And I think Sea of Poppie was a worthy shortlistee too.

I've given up hoping for a good decision from this year's judges, so although my heart and mind is with Linda Grant, I'll avoid crossing my fingers or making any incantations in her favour.

jo :: feather and thread said...

So did you manage to seperate the wheat from the chaff eventually? The John Berger sounds like the best of the lot as you said... I've so enjoyed your imaginative 'out of tens', I might start reviewing my life using snails and crows and hangers...x